Adam Mabry
Senior Pastor
God has taken the Mabry family on amazing adventures and through some pretty tough challenges. For five years, they labored alongside a great team to plant two new churches in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. In 2010, Adam and Hope moved to Boston to begin work to plant Aletheia Church. Fueled with a passion for God’s truth and grace to permeate all areas of society, Adam is honored and excited about the task of pastoring.
He holds an M.A. from Reformed Theological Seminary, a Th.M. and D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Aberdeen. He writes frequently for Every Nation, NewChurches.com, The Gospel Coalition, and other publications.
In addition to his role as Senior Pastor of Aletheia, he is the Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Every Nation Seminary.
He is the author of a few books, including Life and Doctrine, The Art of Rest, Stop Taking Sides, and When God Seems Gone.
Adam lives in Boston with his lovely wife, Hope — an amazing photographer, full-time educator, small-business owner, and mom extraordinaire. They have four awesome children, Alanna, Nora, Cole, and Wyatt.